Daylight Power Company, LLC - Web Resources


Click this button for a quick, good estimate on a solar system in your area. This is a service provided by and it will give you an idea of how many solar panels you need to offset your power bill etc.

DESIRESOLAR Federal Tax Incentive

* (Residential)


This web site is made by North Carolina State University under a government contract and will give you access to compiled lists of Federal and State alternative energy incentive programs.

This particular link will bring you to the Federal Residential tax credit incentive page.


DESIRESOLAR Pennsylvania Incentives

* (Residential & Commercial)


This web site is made by North Carolina State University under a government contract and will give you access to compiled lists of Federal and State alternative energy incentive programs.

This link will bring you to the page of Pennsylvania State Incentives/Polices.

(Daylight Power Company is a PA Sunshine Qualified PV Installer)


PA Sunshine Program

* PADEP (Residential & Commercial)


The PA Sunshine Program is the State incentive for Pennsylvania. This page further details the DESIRESOLAR Pennsylvania Incentive page linked above. The program is part of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.

(Daylight Power Company, LLC is a PA Sunshine Qualified PV Installer)



* (sRECs in Pennsylvania)


This web site is made by North Carolina State University under a government contract and will give you access to compiled lists of Federal and State alternative energy incentive programs.

Solar Alternative Energy Credits (SAECs or Solar Renewable Energy Credits, sRECs, in other States.) are explained as part of the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard.


Flett Exchange « Pennsylvania sRECs

sRECs / SAEC values in Pennsylvania


This link will bring you to the Flett Exchange Pennsylvania page. The historic and current selling values, called "Settlement Price", of Pennsylvania SAEC/sRECs are available here.


PECO Interconnections

* PECO Utility Company


This link will provide some information, including the applications for connecting to the power-grid, for people in PECO's service area.


PPL Electric

* PPL Electric Utility Company


People in Pennsylvania's PPL Electric service area will find information and applications for connecting to the grid by following this link.




The National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL) website contains PVWatts, which is an online calculator for estimating the performance of potential solar PV arrays. It is a very useful tool and a good way to learn about the variables of PV system efficiencies.


Latitude and Longitude of a Point


This web site allows you to find the coordinates of your roof or site so that it can be accurately communicated to someone else, enabling them to use ariel photos of the area. "Google Maps" is an excellent tool, but it is not very accurate when it comes to exact addresses.


Quick Mount PV

Roof mounting benchmark


Quick Mount PV is the most well known producer of waterproof roof mounts for PV racks today. If you have concerns about roof penetrations leaking or your roof warranty, this is a good place to find answers. Daylight Power Company, LLC will be using Quick Mount PV.



An iPhone app


This iPhone app claims to measure the solar radiation and economic viability for a solar photovoltaic system at any location. These claims have not been verified by Daylight Power Company or checked versus real instrumentation measurements, but the app bares the SMA logo, so it may give the user a reasonable idea of solar profitability. (SMA is fairly well known inverter producer.)




Copyright © 2015 Daylight Power Company, LLC